After the grand success of Nutritional Science-2012 and Nutritional Science-2013, OMICS Group Conferences is organizing 3
rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences (Nutritional Science-2014), which is to be held during September 16-19, 2014 in Valencia, Spain.
Generous response and active participation from the Editorial Board Members of OMICS Group Journals as well as from the scientists, researchers and leaders in the field of
Nutritional & Food Sciences made this conference as one of the most successful and productive events in 2012 from OMICS Group.
The 3
rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nutrition & Food Sciences will schedule and coordinate all meetings with our Editorial Board Members and other experts in the field of Nutrition and Food Science( WHO, FDA, USDA, EFSA ) across the world. The scientific program paves a way to gather visionaries through the research talks and presentations and put forward many thought provoking strategies on Nutritional Science.
Please, submit your abstract according to our format as early as possible and take advantage of early bird registration. All abstracts will be reviewed by the OCM/Review Panel. Comité d'organisation
Masayoshi Yamaguchi
Emory University School of Medicine
Soraya L Valles
University of Valencia
Weiqun (George) Wang
Kansas State University
Arun K. Bhunia
Purdue University
Les points culminants de la conférence
Nutritional Assessment and Basic Requirements
Nutritional Deficiency and Disorders
Nutrition through Life Course
Food Processing and Technical Methods
Probiotics in Nutrition- Advancements
Food Science and Safety
Public Health Nutrition
Nutritional Growth and Development
New Frontiers in Nutrition Research
Pediatric Nutrition
Nutrition and Cancer
Parenteral Nutrition
Pour partager vos point de vue et les conclusions de vos recherches, veuillez cliquer ici pour vous inscrire à la Conférence. Pour faire collaborer les professionnels scientifiques du mondeDate de la Conférence
Sponsors et Exposants
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en tant que Conférencier
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DisponibleÉditions spéciales Tous les résumés acceptés seront publiés dans les revues respectives d'OMICS Group .
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