Ce prix est donné annuellement à un scientifique, quelque soit sa nationalité et son lieu de travail, qui a fait une découverte majeure dans le domaine du cancer, qui continue à être actif dans ce domaine et dont le travail actuel permet de penser a de futures avancées dans la recherche.
Champs de recherche concernés
Biologie, médecine, santé
Informations sur le prix
Montant du prix
75 000 euros
Informations pratiques
Modalités de candidature
Le candidat sera sélectionné par un comité international composé de membre de l'American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) et de la Fondation Pezcoller. Cette sélection sera faite uniquement sur les qualités scientifiques et non sur des critères de race, nationalité, religions, opinions politiques, genre, ou localisation géographique.
Pour toute question : AACR Office (Philadelphia) via Fax at (215) 440 9372- Telephone (215) 440 9300 - or E-mail
awards@aacr.orgPezcoller Foundation-AACR International Award for Cancer Research
The Award Criteria
The prestigious Pezcoller Foundation–AACR International Award for Cancer Research was established in 1997 to annually recognize a scientist:
- who has made a major scientific discovery in basic cancer research OR who has made significant contributions to translational cancer research;
- who continues to be active in cancer research and has a record of recent, noteworthy publications; and
- whose ongoing work holds promise for continued substantive contributions to progress in the field of cancer.
The Award is intended to honor an individual scientist. However, more than one scientist may be co-nominated and selected to share the Award when their investigations are closely related in subject matter and have resulted in work that is worthy of the Award.
The Award consists of an unrestricted grant of €75,000 and a commemorative plaque.
- Eligible candidates are cancer researchers affiliated with institutions in academia, industry, or government that are involved in cancer research, cancer medicine, or cancer-related biomedical science anywhere in the world.
- Institutions or organizations are not eligible for the Award.
- Receipt of other major awards does not preclude a candidate from eligibility for the Award.
- No regard shall be given to race, gender, nationality, geographic location, or religious or political views.
The Pezcoller Foundation was established in 1980 by Professor Alessio Pezcoller, a dedicated Italian surgeon who made important contributions to medicine during his career and who, through his foresight, vision and generous gift in support of the formation of the Foundation, stimulated others to make significant advances in cancer research.
The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) was founded in 1907 by eleven physicians and scientists dedicated to the conquest of cancer and now has nearly 33,000 members in more than 97 countries who are experts in basic, clinical, and translational cancer research. The AACR is dedicated to its mission of preventing and curing cancer through the communication of important scientific results in a variety of forums including publications, meetings and training and educational programs. Because of the commitment of the Foundation and the AACR to scientific excellence in cancer research, these organizations are now collaborating annually on the presentation of this Award.
This will strengthen international collaborations and will be a catalyst for advancements in cancer research internationally.
For more information on the nomination process and other details about the award, please
click here. Inquiries regarding this award should be directed